• July 20, 2024
  • Ronny
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According to the chairperson of the National Commission for Human Rights, Providence Umurungi, it has been reported that the presidential and parliamentary elections held on July 14-16 were conducted with a high regard for human rights. She added that during all stages of these elections, numerous rights of voters, candidates, media, and observers exercising their mandate for poll observation have been respected.

Umurungi has singled out, in particular, inclusive measures taken during the elections. This was pointedly the deployment of sign language interpreters at campaign sites to ensure people living with disabilities have ease of access. The availabilities of Braille ballot papers at all polling stations, she said, also ensured visually impaired voters are facilitated.

He added that Umurungi commended the National Electoral Commission for considering vulnerable groups, including the patients in hospitals and elderly voters, by opening polling stations within healthcare facilities and giving them the front line in the voting process.

The observers of the rights commission also do acknowledge the responsiveness of the NEC to challenges faced by the voters, such as difficulties on the polling day of the registration system, ensuring these voters still effectively exercised their rights.

The electoral commission also appreciated the work of the media in providing fair and equal coverage for all candidates to exercise their campaigns, hence availing diverse political perspectives and messages to voters.

The findings were corroborated by the Rwanda Civil Society Platform, which deployed 290 election observers across the country. They proposed improvements in NEC’s management of the voters’ lists with better technology, recommending a user-friendly online portal to verify and update voter registration well ahead of election day, and having tactile ballot guides available for visually impaired voters at all polling stations.

Moreover, RCSP has recommended further extension of campaign days, from the current 22 to 35 days for any election, for easy reach among candidates to all districts, thus promoting an informed electorate and therefore enriching democratic participation.

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