• September 8, 2023
  • Zachary
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Prof. Kithure Kindiki (Interior Cabinet Secretary) has held a meeting with top most Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers, led by Mohamed Amin to establish mechanisms for resolving the backlog in the issuance and processing of clearance certificates, popularly known as certificates of good conduct.
Kindiki who has been making impromptu visits to the immigration department at Nyayo House, on Friday shifted his focus to include clearance of the backlog of good conduct certificates.There are more than 10,000 pending applications of good conduct with applicants constantly complaining of making numerous trips and queueing for hours waiting to be issued with the certificates.

The CS has reassured the public that the technical staff is working on addressing the downtime and clearing the current backlog of applications in the shortest time possible. He says that the department plans to upgrade its operations from the current Automated Palm and Fingerprint Identification System (APFIS) to the Multi-Biometric Identification System (MBIS) for efficient service delivery as a long-term solution to address the delays.

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