Mental health disorder which are commonly referred as mental illnesses involve changes in emotions, thinking and behaviors. A mental illness changes how one sees the world around them. Some of these mental illnesses cause disability to a person.
Common mental health disorder.
1.Depression: this is characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in the day-to-day life activities. Some symptoms are fatigue, feeling worthless or excessive guilt, irritability, sleep disturbance and thoughts of suicide.
2. Anxiety Disorder: these are conditions like; anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety and excessive worry and fear.
3.Bipolar: this involves extreme mood swings including elevated mood and depression. This illness affects a person’s energy, activity level and concentration. Some of the symptoms include; delusions of self-importance, high levels of creativity, energy and activity, getting less to no sleep and highly irritable, impatient or aggressive.
4.Schizophrenia: this disorder often leads to hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, lack of motivation, slow movement, change in sleeping patterns and poor grooming or hygiene.
5.Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): this is characterized by fear of contamination or dirt, doubting and difficulty in tolerating uncertainty and needing things orderly and symmetrical.
6.Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): this is characterized by unstable relationships, self-image, and emotions, fear of abandonment, self-harm, explosive anger and extreme emotional swings often leading to impulsive behaviors.
It is important to seek help from a mental health professional if experiencing any of these symptoms. You can also improve your mental health by:
1.Trying to relax and reduce stress
2.Find ways to learn and be creative
3. Connect with people
4. Spending time in nature
5. Look after your physical health
6. Try to improve your sleep.
If you or anyone around you experiencing any mental health you should seek medical attention from a mental health profession.