Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has ordered the deployment of police officers to Southern Bypass to prevent the construction of bumps that cause accidents along the stretch.

He has ordered the police to monitor motorists using the route to ensure they observe the signage on the road and the set 50KPH speed limit.

In a statement sent to the media, Murkomen said that the move will help preserve the quality of the roads and ensure the safety of motorists.

“The installation of these bumps and reduction of speed to 50 KPH as indicated in the signage and as required in areas under construction will help to preserve the quality of the road and ensure the safety of road users,” Murkomen said.

“Police have also been stationed near the construction sites to prevent motorists from speeding beyond the stipulated 50 KPH limit.”

“It is worth noting that the ongoing repairs have been slowed down by the huge traffic volumes on the road, which the contractor has to contend with, against the strict timelines set for completion of the maintenance works.”

Murkomen also directed the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) to issue a public Notice to all motorists clearly identifying the sections under maintenance and the stipulated speed limit applicable to those sections.

Additionally, the Transport CS gave a status update on the installation of speed cameras along the highways, noting that his Ministry has already rolled out the pilot phase across all major highways.

He expressed confidence that the measures will improve the situation on the highway. 

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